harpeth valley
athletic conference

hvac conference
The Harpeth Valley Athletic Conference (HVAC) is a middle school athletic conference located in Nashville, Tennessee. Most of the schools that make up this conference are smaller, private schools in Nashville. However not all of our schools are private.
Within the conference there are two age groups and two divisions for most sports. The HVAC Jr. Division is normally 6th grade or 5th and 6th grade combined. The HVAC middle school division is 7th and 8th graders normally. The Division AA conference is the stronger conference compared to the Division A. At the end of each season there is a conference tournament to decide the champions of that sport.
Sports offered:
Early Fall: tennis (boys and girls), cross country (boys and girls), Football (boys), and volleyball (girls).
Late Fall: soccer (boys and girls), wrestling (boys and girls), and swimming (boys and girls) goes through winter
Winter: basketball (boys and girls)
Spring: baseball (boys), track (boys and girls), lacrosse (girls), softball (girls), and golf boys and girls)

schools in the conference


hvac constitution
Section 1: Mission Statement:
The Harpeth Valley Athletic Conference (HVAC) was founded to foster athletic competition and the highest standards of sportsmanship among member schools. The HVAC strives to promote participation and sportsmanship through interscholastic athletics.
Coaches will conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and demonstrates the highest degree of sportsmanship. Furthermore, the positive influence of the coach on middle school athletes is paramount, and their actions set the tone for the players, parents, and spectators. As a coach, you represent your players, your school, and the HVAC.
Member schools include Battle Ground Academy, Brentwood Academy, Christ Presbyterian Academy, Donelson Christian Academy, Ensworth School, Franklin Road Academy, Harding Academy, Harpeth Hall School, Montgomery Bell Academy, Poplar Grove, Valor Collegiate, St. Paul, St. Matthew and University School of Nashville.
Section 2: Seasons
The school year will be divided into four seasons. All members must meet the following requirements:
Have a competing team in each of the four seasons.
If the above requirement is not possible, then each member must compete in five different sports for the school year.
A “Provisional membership” would be in effect if a member did not meet the two above criteria. "Provisional member schools may only vote on matters pertaining to the respective sports in which they compete."
Each school would commit to the sports it chooses at the spring Athletic Director meetings. There will be three AD’s meetings throughout the year, early fall, winter, and spring.
An overall sports trophy will be awarded each year for the school that wins the overall team sports championship, The Inman Trophy. A trophy for the boys division and a trophy for the girls division will be rotated each year. No team will be allowed to retire the trophy.
Section 3: The HVAC Board
The HVAC Board shall consist of the President, Secretary, Member(s) at Large, and Treasurer to be elected annually at the spring meeting, nominations to be given from the floor. If possible, each member of the board shall be from a different school and the total number of members should be odd to prevent a tie on a vote.
Two meetings will be held each year for business and scheduling. The first meeting will be held early in the fall. The second meeting will be held in May of each school year. Additional meetings may be held for business purposes as deemed necessary by the HVAC Board.
The duties of the President shall be:
To preside at all meetings.
To send communication to league members during the school year.
To keep a record of scores and standings in each sport both boys and girls separately.
To total the points for the overall sports champion and notify the winning schools.
To send out a list of phone numbers of each school and the coaches for each sport.
To notify each member school of the time, date, place, and agenda, including amendments and special considerations of all meetings.
The duties of the Secretary shall be:
To record the minutes of all meetings and send copies to each member school.
To communicate any HVAC information to Athletic Directors and other parties.
The duties of the member(s) at large shall be:
To keep record of athletes’ participation.
To keep a record of the eligibility forms.
The Duties of the Treasurer shall be:
To secure and keep record of all league expenditures.
To provide money from the treasury for appropriate individual and team awards in all sports.
To provide a written detailed report to the athletic directors and heads the financial status of the HVAC.
Section 4: Eligibility
The HVAC is designed as an athletic league for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. A school may, at its discretion, use sixth graders in the upper division. No student enrolled in ninth grade or above shall participate in the HVAC under any circumstances. 5th graders are prohibited from playing in the varsity division of the HVAC. 6th graders who begin play in the upper division are prohibited from moving down into the Jr. division.
An athlete that turns 15 on or before August 1 of the school year cannot participate in the HVAC except in documented medically related circumstances.
An athlete who participates in a TSSAA contest will no longer be eligible to participate in the HVAC in that sport. Players in HVAC sports may not participate in TSSAA events in that sport until their season has officially been completed. Regardless of whether the athlete has been officially certified by the TSSAA or not, any high school participation at any level (freshman, junior varsity or varsity) will automatically make the athlete ineligible for the HVAC competition. Participation is defined to include actual regular season and postseason game competition as well as scrimmages and exhibitions. Summer activity is excluded from this provision in all sports.
It is the responsibility of the head coach to ensure that each member of the squad satisfied all eligibility requirements. If a player is found to be ineligible for any reason, all games or matches in which the ineligible player has participated shall be forfeited, including team and individual titles, and team points will be redistributed accordingly by the President. The player may not participate for the remainder of the school year unless ineligibility is for a particular sport only, in which case a player will be ineligible in that sport for the remainder of that season.
Teams and/or schools that violate the rules of eligibility can be fined and placed on probation at the discretion of the HVAC Board. The HVAC has no jurisdiction over the rules and matters of the TSSAA and its high school members. The HVAC will not police matters involving the TSSAA. Its only jurisdiction will involve potential violations involving current member schools of the HVAC.
In the event of a complaint by a member school, the President will call a special meeting of all member schools to address the complaint. In order to take action on the complaint, a minimum of 5 member schools shall vote. Schools that are party to the complaint shall not be able to vote.
All participating athletes must be full-time enrolled students at the school for which they are competing. The HVAC makes no allowances for hardship cases.
The HVAC prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin. The HVAC is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all member schools based on the rules stated in this constitution.
Section 5: Certification of Coaches
All head and assistant coaches will be required to attend a scheduling meeting to discuss issues of participation and substitution prior to the start of their season. To keep a superior team from running up the score, each member school’s principal, head and athletic director should be responsible for this orientation. A commissioner will be assigned to each sport to help communicate about in season play. They will also update all about the end of season tournaments.
Section 6: Sports
At all athletic contests an adult, preferably the head coach, must accompany the team or individual. That adult should be employed by the school he or she represents. As head coach of any sport he or she is responsible for the actions and attitudes of him/her, his/her assistant, managers, trainers, and players.
When an athletic contest takes place, a team of TSSAA officials must do all the officiating. Each school is responsible for paying the officials. Coaches should establish who will pay on a game to game basis. In the event a contest is cancelled or postponed, the host schools involved must contact officials: a school not doing so must pay officials just as if the contest was played if the officials appear for the contest. All rulings made by the officials are final. If a school charges admission (other than tournaments) that school will be responsible for the entire crew of officials’ fees.
In the event a protest arises, the protesting school must file a written report stating exact nature of the complaint. This report must be in the hands of the HVAC Board no later than 24 hours after the contest in which the complaint arises. The HVAC Board will rule on said complaint. If the schools are not satisfied with the committee ruling, an appeal may be made to all remaining members and a vote will be taken to settle the matter. This decision will be final with no appeals. A 48 hour time limit from end of contest will be allowed in the event of an appeal to the original committee. This appeal may be verbal or written. The voting of league members will be done by secret ballot.
Any violations of the HVAC constitution can cause possible forfeiture of a particular game, all games in a particular sport or loss of points in a particular sport. Forfeiture will be determined by the HVAC Board subject to appeal by offended school to the voting members.
Any player, coach, or parent that is ejected from a contest is required to miss the remainder of that contest as well as the next contest.
Points will be awarded in every sport with the teams involved being the only recipients. In the event a member school does not participate in a given sport, it may not receive points for the overall sports championship. In case of ties points will be split. The Robert Inman Trophy will be awarded to the school earning the most points in a school year.
A tournament in each sport shall be designated by the athletic directors at their annual spring meeting for the school year. Each tournament director shall be paid a fee of at least $250.00, to be reviewed periodically by the HVAC Board.
In the sports now adopted by the HVAC the points are decided by the following ways:
Cross country – Decided by a final run in each division
Volleyball - Decided by tournament
Football- Decided by tournament
Golf - Decided by tournament
Soccer - Decided by tournament
Wrestling – Decided by tournament
Basketball - Decided by tournament
Baseball – Decided by tournament
Softball – Decided by tournament
Tennis - Decided by tournament
Track/Field - Decided by a final meet in each division
In sports decided by tournament, seeding will be determined by season league records. In case of ties, seeding will be determined by the result of the game or match involving the tied teams. If tie cannot be resolved in this way, a coin toss will determine seeding.
A 1st and 2nd place trophy will be awarded for team championships. Championship T-shirts will also be awarded at the conclusion of the game.
Section 7: Individual Sports
National federation rules will govern the HVAC with the following exceptions in each sport:
Cross Country
The championship and point standing for the sport of cross-country shall be determined by a single championship meet at a member school course.
The championship meet shall be held on a weekday afternoon which does not conflict with any other league sport.
The championship meet shall be scheduled for the last week in September of the school year.
1st, 2nd team trophies and medals for top 10 finishers will be awarded in the championship run.
A team is made up of 5 runners. All other members will count as pushers with only the first five runners counting in the team score.
Dual and triangular meets can be arranged by the coaches.
A school not having 5 members will not be eligible for the team championship; however, individuals from that school’s team may compete for individual honors.
Members that have run in 3 qualifying meets during the current season can compete in the HVAC Championship
Cross country spikes only may be used in cross country meets.
Any gate monies will be turned over to the treasure (after expenses.)
For the final meet, even though a school can run as many as they would like, only the first 7 runners across the finish line for a school count with 5 of those runners counting on the team score and two runners counting as pushers.
Open to 6th, 7th, 8th grade boys and girls
Boys and girls compete separately
More competitive teams play in the AA division and lesser competitive teams play in the single A division
Inter-school matches are composed of 3 singles and 2 lines of doubles, with Exhibition matches and JV matches played if numbers allow
An end of the season HVAC Tournament is held by gender and by division with medals given to individual singles and doubles winners and a trophy given to the overall school team winner which is determined by number of individual medal winners.
Rules for play are determined by our Tennis Constitution
Volleyball will be governed by the National Federation Rules.
Schools will be involved in dual matches with the host school responsible for the officials.
Both the home and away teams will be responsible for 1 line judge and 1 adult book keeper. The home team will also provide a clock keeper. The away team provides a libero tracker
All teams will participate in the final tournament with each school receiving at least one all tournament team medal to be chosen by the coaches.
All gate monies from the tournament will be turned over to the treasurer (after expenses.)
Volleyball tie breaking procedure - for ties in regular season standings.
1. Head to Head
2. Game totals
3. Head to Head
4. Point totals
The National Federation Rules for Soccer* will govern HVAC games including the post-season tournament.
Coaches should pay particular attention to Red Card penalties and the subsequent suspensions required.
HVAC games are: two 30 minute halves, 5 minute halftime and no overtime period
Also note that overtime games in the conference tournament are: Golden Goal due to decreasing sunlight. If the coaches decide before hand they can do two 5 minute periods
Inman points will be determine based on the results of conference tournament(s)
A and AA Divisions will be set depending on regular season results
There will be two separate divisions based on ability
Teams may play each other more than once during the regular season but only designated conference games will count towards the seeding for tournament.
Champion and Runner-up plaques will be awarded in each division.
Two players from each team will receive an all-tournament t-shirt. T-shirts will be available at the August coaches’ meeting.
All money collected for conference tournaments, after expenses, will be sent to HVAC treasurer.
Wrestling shall be divided into 14 weight divisions. A seasonal schedule will be available for each team. The HVAC record of each boy will be used for seeding purposes. A tournament at the end of the season shall be held to determine the order of finish for each team.
"Each wrestler must certify and wrestle 2 time during the regular season against HVAC wrestlers at the weight class they intend to wrestle at the HVAC tournament. Certification must be verified by a TSSAA official at weigh-in. Certification is defined as: a wrestler must make weight and wrestle (step on the mat to accept a forfeit or wrestle an HVAC opponent) at the weight class they intend to wrestle at the HVAC tournament.
If an injury prevents a wrestler’s chance to certify, a doctor’s medical report must be verified by the principal or headmaster and a letter sent to the participants in the HVAC wrestling tourney as confirmation. No allowances are made for sickness.
Scales will be of balance system and set prior to the tournament by Metro Weight and Measurements or a measurements company.
TSSAA officials will do all officiating and will have complete authority on all injuries and will make all decisions concerning such injuries. All TSSAA official decisions are final with no appeals.
Gate receipts will pay for any expenses involved in staging tournament. Money in excess of expenses will go into HVAC treasury.
Tournament format will wrestle back or double elimination.
Weigh-in will be one time before the tournament begins unless the tourney is extended beyond 2 days.
The following weight classes will be used in the HVAC: 75, 82, 90, 98, 106, 114, 122, 130, 138, 148, 158, 175, 190, HWT (235 lb. max)
Tournament brackets will be determined at the seed meeting the week before the tournament.
Tournament Seeding Criteria is as follows:
1. Record in weight
2. Head to Head
3. Previous HVAC Place winner
National Federation Rules will govern HVAC games including the tournament.
A tournament at the end of basketball season will determine a winner and all teams involved will place if each team has played the other at least once during the time allowed for basketball season. Teams may play each other more than once but only designated games will count towards the seeding for the tournament.
Two players from each team will receive an all-tournament t-shirt.
Tournament brackets will be determined in the May meeting.
All monies from the tournament will be turned over to the treasurer (after expenses.)
Swimming will be governed by NFHS Rules
Dual meets will be judged & scored according to NFHS rules and guidelines
Official is required for acceptance of meet results for conference championships
The HVAC conference only handles the championship, the commissioner handles the individual meets during season
The HVAC swim and dive championship consists of athletes in grades 6-8th. 5th graders are not allowed to compete in the championship.
5th graders are eligible for all in season meets
Track and Field​
Track & Field follows NFHS rules with the following exceptions.
Participation: An athlete may participate in a maximum of 5 total events. Of those 5 events, an athlete may participate in a maximum of 3 field events and 2 running events or a maximum of 3 running events and 2 field events.
False start: One false start is charged to the field for each running event. If a second false start occurs in that event, the individual runner or runners will be disqualified from that event.
Field implements and hurdle heights
​Discus: girls and boys = 2.205-lbs.(1 kilo.)
Shot: girls = 6.0 lbs(2.722 kilos.) and boys = 8.818-lbs (4.0 kilos.)
Hurdles: girls 100m (30 ins.) and boys = 110m (33ins.)
Order of Events
Field Events (boys & girls): The meet director hosting the meet will determine the order of field events and when possible will schedule the start of the running events in order not to interfere with field event participation.
Pole vault, high jump, long jump, shot put, discus throw
Running Events (boys & girls)
4x800m relay
100m / 110m Hurdles
100m dash
4x200m relay
1600m run
4x100m relay
400m run
800m run
200m dash
4x400m relay
HVAC Championship Meet: A championship meet will be held each year to determine the champion and runner-up teams for boys and for girls. The top three finishers in each event, boys and girls, will receive a medal. A host school will be decided at the athletic directors meeting in May.
Spirit of participation: An athlete's participation in a minimum of three regular-season meets before being entered in the championship meet has been a tradition in the HVAC. However, illness, injury, and unforeseen events may mean that an athlete participates in fewer than three meets before being entered in the championship meet. It is asked that coaches follow this tradition in good faith and with a spirit of healthy competition. When in doubt, please consult the Track & Field Commissioner about entering athletes in the championship meet who participate in multiple sports during the same season.
Entries: In individual events each HVAC team may enter up to three athletes per event per gender and may enter one relay team per event per gender
The game will be played according to National Federation rules.
TSSAA umpires will be used. Home team will pay for the umpires and provide game balls.
All division games that effect seeding must be played prior to the tournament.
The tournament format will be decided by the coaches at their scheduling meeting every year
Games will be 7 inning games or 1.5 hour time limit
If one team is ahead by 10 runs after 5 innings the game is over
ASA rules govern HVAC softball with the exception of substitution. HVAC games will be played with the right of free substitution provided the batting order does not change. The home team will be responsible for the umpire and two game balls which comply with the ASA regulations.
Rubber cleats are to be worn by all players
Infielders are strongly encouraged to wear face masks
Game Ends:
1 ½ hour time limit
15 run lead after 3 innings
10 run lead after 5 innings, OR
7 innings completes a game
In case of a tie the international tiebreaker will take place.
The tournament will be single elimination only
All post-season games will require tickets that will be collected and distributed to the HVAC treasurer
USTA rules will apply for HVAC matches and the tournament with the following exceptions:
1. A team for a match or tournament is made up of seven players ranked in order of ability. The first three play singles and the next four play doubles.
In the case of a dual match, the girls’ team will play first, followed by the boys’ team. Any exhibition matches will be held until the end of the regulation matches.
2. To equalize costs for teams with or without home courts, each team will bring three unopened cans of tennis balls to each regular season match and give one can to each alternating player or doubles team, so they will play with three balls. For the tournament, each player or doubles team will bring one unopened can of balls onto the court, ONE can will be opened for play so they will play with three balls. The unopened can continues to the next match with the winner.
3. Members of the schools’ softball, baseball and track teams may participate in tennis matches. A member may only participate at a certain position in the tournament if they have played at THAT position in two regular season HVAC matches. A player from the roster not meeting this requirement may be substituted, before the tournament has begun, for reasons of illness or injury (validated by a physician) provided the coach in charge of the tournament and the coach of the opposing team for that match are notified in advance.
4. A roster of each school’s tennis teams and coaching staff will be submitted to the HVAC tennis commissioner preferably before the first regular season HVAC match and no later than the second regular season match.
5. All HVAC matches during the regular season and tournament will consist of one eight-game pro set using regular scoring with ads. A twelve-point tie-breaker (first to 7 by 2 points) will be played at 8-8. The team winning at least three of the five individual position matches will win the overall match.
6. The team accumulating the most points during the tournament will win the HVAC team championship. If there is a tie for the team championship during the tournament (i.e. two teams winning the same number of individual matches), the following criteria will be used, in order. The HVAC team champion will be:
a) the school with the greatest number of HVAC champions, then
b) the team with the best regular season record for HVAC matches, then
c) the winner of the regular season match between the two schools
7. a) The HVAC tournament will consist of matches between players at the same position (for example, all players holding the #1 singles position at the time of the tournament will be in competition separate from players at other positions and each competition). All players will be seeded according to their position’s (not the individual’s) HVAC season record. The brackets for the teams currently in the HVAC, both A and AA divisions, will be as follows (to be adapted as the number of teams in the HVAC changes):
As seen here, the #4 vs #5 seed match is a ‘play-in match’ and does not count toward a team point.
All coaches should report their team and individual positions’ HVAC records to the tournament director as soon as their team’s last match is played. Based on your teams’ season ending record, your team will be placed in the AA (top) or A (weaker) tournament division.
b) Each of the tournaments will be scheduled for one day. Any part of a tournament that must be cancelled will be played on the next possible day until 4 school days after the beginning of the tournament, i.e. if the tournament is scheduled for Monday, the last day to try to reschedule will be Friday. After that time, the winner of any remaining match will be determined by the winner of the regular season match at that position between the two schools involved. A player who cannot attend a rescheduled match for any reason will forfeit his/her individual tournament match.
8. Only coaches are allowed to coach the players during any match. They may coach only during changeovers and limit the time to the 90-second changeover time limit. The coaches may not go onto the court to coach the players. A coach may go onto the court to help players with the procedure in a tiebreaker with the other coach’s approval. A neutral party may go onto the court if asked to be a line judge.
All golfers will be governed by USGA rules with the exception of triple bogey max. For example, on a hole with a par of 4 a player may not take anything higher than a 7.
In playing a match a team is comprised of four boys and two girls.
Dual matches will be played throughout the season.
The boys championship tournament will be held at Ted Rhodes Golf Course
The girls championship tournament will be held at Cheekwood
For the boys HVAC Tournament there will be 4 student athletes but only count three scores
- ​For the girls HVAC Tournament there will be 3 student athletes but only count two scores ​
Schools can send individuals to the HVAC tournament if they do not have a team of 4
The player has to have an average score of 45 to enter the tournament in a minimum of 3 matches
All lacrosse players will be governed by the USA lacrosse rules and federation
All teams must have 11 players on the field with one goalie present
Teams must play every member of the division at least once in order to get a ranking
Coaches can decide beforehand if they would like to do a draw rule, where after a 10 goal difference the other team is automatically awarded the draw and possession of the ball
Games will be 25 minutes long with a 5 minute half time between
The clock will stop for offsides, time outs, and after a goal is scored
The tournament will take place at Harding Academy on April 25th, semifinals, and April 27th for the finals. Depending on the seeding two teams may have to participate in a play in game April 20th or 21st
All gate tickets will be distributed to the HVAC treasurer, minus expenses, at the end of the tournament
Section 8: Not For Profit Organization
The HVAC organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) to the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distribution in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof.
No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section 9: Amendments
This constitution may be amended as needed in the following way:
Proposed amendments must be presented in writing to the President at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting.
The President will make available to each member school a copy of proposed amendments at least 8 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Amendment will be discussed and voted on by all member schools with approval by two-thirds majority vote of athletic directors.
The amendment must pass second reading at the next meeting to become law. Two-thirds majority required on second reading also.
Participating members at the time of revision are:
Battle Ground Academy, Brentwood Academy, Christ Presbyterian Academy, Donelson Christian Academy, Ensworth School, Franklin Road Academy, Harpeth Hall (Girls only), Harding Academy, Montgomery Bell Academy (Boys only), University School, Lipscomb Academy, Ezell-Harding, Poplar Grove, Nashville Christian, Overbrook school, St. Paul, St. Matthew, Valor Collegiate School
HVAC Board
Cameron Hill, Valor Collegiate Prep
President chill@valorcollegiate.org
Rob Mitchell, Battle Ground Academy-
Secretary rob.mitchell@mybga.org
Steve Lenger, Christ Presbyterian Academy
Treasurer steve.lenger@cpalions.org
Bryan Miller, Overbrook Catholic School
HVAC Jr. Girls Director millerb@overbrook.edu
Kevin Connelly, St. Paul
HVAC Jr. Boys Director, kconnelly@stpaulchristian.org
Section 10: Obtaining Membership
To become a member of the HVAC a school must file for application by letter at any time during the year. A vote is taken by member schools and their decision will determine the entrance of another school. Vote must be 2/3 of member schools. A school will have one vote on all matters that may arise requiring a vote. Final acceptance into the league will be voted upon at the fall meeting after the applying school has participated one full school year. Does this need to contain more information since we are looking to add schools? Are we going to let them participate in not all seasons? If so, does this change the section about membership?
HVAC Commissioner duties and responsibilities
Each Commissioner should be responsible for organizing and or supervising the following:
1.Communicating with coaches and Athletic Directors regarding the pre-season meeting.
2. Setting the schedule or facilitating with the schedule at the pre-season meeting. Track and cross country may not be able to set schedule until the meeting.
3. Troubleshooting any issues throughout the season
4. Provide contact information for the arbiter/scheduler for referees if applicable, as well as the coaches from each school
5. Keeping track of the games throughout the season and sending information about the tournament and bracket in a timely manner
6. Each tournament is expected to operate a gate with admission being $5/adult (students free). In some cases admission will be $5/car (cross-country, tennis, etc.). The tournament financial form and profits should be sent to the HVAC (Steve Lenger at CPA)
7. Arranging for the use of outside facilities and usage fees if applicable (ie. Golf courses).
8. Reporting the end of the season tournament results to the HVAC Chairs.
9. Communicate with the HVAC Treasurer (Steve Lenger, steve.lenger@cpalions.org ) regarding the tournament gate.
Section 11: Heat Policy
TSSAA Heat Policy (Revised August 2021)
Each school is responsible for obtaining either a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature or Heat Index reading at the site of practices and competitions.
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) takes into account morean heat index and should be a school’s first choice when evaluating conditions and planning activities. In the absence of a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature reading, a digital psychrometer or other instrument may be used at the site of the activity to measure the heat index. The use of a
weather app on a cell phone is permissible to measure heat index if no other instrument is available to
measure heat index at the site of the practice or competition. -
A cold water immersion tub or other form of rapid on-site cooling should be available for all warm
weather practices. If exertional heat stroke is suspected, use immersion for on-site cooling before
transporting to the hospital. -
Access to water should be available to all athletes at all times.
WBGT 82.0 – 86.9 or Heat Index Under 95 Degrees-
Provide at least three separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 3 minutes each during the workout.
WBGT 87 to 89.9 or Heat Index of 95 Degrees to 99 Degrees -
Maximum practice time is 2 hours.*
For All Sports: Provide at least four separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 4 minutes each
For Football: Players are restricted to helmet, shoulder pads, and shorts during practice that does not involve contact, and all protective equipment must be removed during conditioning activities. If the WBGT rises to this level during practice, players may continue to work out wearing football pants without changing to shorts.
WBGT 90 to 92 or Heat Index of 100 Degrees to 104 Degrees
Maximum practice time is 1 hour.
For All Sports: There must be 20 minutes of rest breaks distributed throughout the hour of practice and no conditioning activities.
For Football: No protective equipment may be worn during practice that does not involve contact.
Above 92.0 WBGT or Heat Index Above 104 Degrees
No outdoor practice. An outdoor practice cannot take place until WBGT level is 92.0 or below or heat index is 104 or below.
Competitions must be postponed in the absence of an appropriate health care professional with access to a cold water immersion tub or other rapid on-site cooling method. Under no circumstances can an outdoor practice or scrimmage take place in these conditions.